What do you fear? Death, destruction, work, joblessness, homelessness, enemies, hatred, confrontation, trials, divorce, discord, quarrels, loneliness—I could go on and on. Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. Fear disrupts our lives. Fear comes from the evil one.
The devil loves to cause us to fear. Fear keeps our eyes on our situation and off of God. God says, “Do not fear.” Over and over again God tells us in His Word not to fear, not to be afraid, not to worry. Do we listen? Do we follow His instructions?
I wanted to post a simple message today using Scripture in a picture. However, I encountered many problems as I tried to simply post the meme. Little irritating glitches with technology plagued my every move. I stopped and reread the verse. I suddenly realized why I faced obstacles in posting. It’s a verse Satan wants to put aside.
BUT GOD wants us to hear. And He helped me to persevere.
The above Bible verse has become one of my favorite verses. It is my “go to” verse. God speaks to me through this verse and gives me strength. And He’ll do the same for you.
Read it over and over again until it strengthens you with peaceful resolve. God is in control. Trust Him with every single situation in your life. It doesn’t matter how big or small your circumstance. God is able. Have faith in Him.